Application GN-Lab is designed for collecting laboratory samples and its results at Powiatowa Stacja Sanitarno-Epidemiologiczna.
This application contains customers table, laboratory samples table and results table, adds automatically ordinal numbers for samples (local laboratory register) and adds automatically ordinal numbers for accepted orders (global register)
Application has built in a lot of reports for laboratory reporting purposes.
This program works with MS SQL Server 2000 database or newer.
Application GN-Wagomierz is a very special programm. It can be used for weight systems at factory and for adding an identification number for each product (unique serial number for each product) and for printing labels for this products.
This application cooperate with P88-Obrót (which can be used for warehouse purposes) application from Personal'88 company
This application works with weight indicator supplied by
RadWag company and thermal label printer
Zebra (or othe compatible with EPL languge).
All data are put into MS SQL Server database from version 2000 or newer.